Monday, September 13, 2010

Se5 Ep 9 "One Maybe Two Ways Out"

Well this is is the the most recent episode of Psych, the Season 5 Summer/5.0/Half-Season Finale. This guest-starred Franka Potente from Run Lola Run and the Bourne franchise. Along with Jon Gries (Lost, Real Genius, Napoleon Dynamite) and C Thomas Howell (Soul Man, The Outsiders), and Nestor Carbonell (Lost, The Tick) again.

One note that I believe I discovered that we didn't realize when we recorded this. The "Barry" reference I think is referring to The Flash character Barry. I suppose I haven't seen the Video commentary yet on this episode, but it wouldn't surprise me if that was the reference. Having listened to the Pinapple Radio podcast about this episode as well, they mentioned looking for what or who Barry is, and they came up puzzled as well. Don't be surprised to find out it is The Flash on the Season 5 DVDs and other places.

There is frequent clipping from John's microphone. The reason being, in interest to avoid hearing the breathing, I told him either to try turning it off when he wasn't speaking or move it away. He turned it off. I obviously didn't realize it was making this sound when we were recording. AND I TRIED TO EDIT OUT EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE OF IT. But unfortunately, it ended up not removing all clipping and cutting a lot various words and phrases I and John said, that it came out sounding MUCH WORSE. Obviously, that is something that we can avoid again, but given the lack of desire to take the time to talk about and edit another file for this episode, this will have to do. I suppose it's still not as bad as the breathing, and it can be heard a bit like a radio show when there is severe weather. There's often those kinds of static clipping on the air, like on this recording.


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