Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Se 3 Ep 16 An Evening Mr.Yang


This is of course the Season 3(.5) finale. Some odd edits as now seeing the original Audacity file, we had some problems with the signals going out and more gaps. I did my best to edit out and segue some of the different parts of this recording. John had 1 or 2 good rants in this one as well. Of course we kind of summed up the season as well at the end. It's funny how Cybil Shepherd has not come back since this episode I don't believe, nor has their been an explanation about what John's beef is/was about her back story, why she was gone, etc. And we're nearly 1.5 seasons later. Maybe by the end of this current season (5 or 5.5) we'll get more continuity or gap filling. But who knows. It may take until the end of the show before that stuff is told in detail.

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