Sunday, August 22, 2010

Season 5 Episode 4 Chivalry Is Not Dead...But Someone Is


Okay, I want to just mention that I state this is the 3rd episode of the season, when obviously it is not, being the 4th. I guess whose counting? In catchup-mode as we are, the numbers slip my mind at times.

Also the faint microphone signal of course at times, especially for a few minutes early on is a problem, that I've decided to at least try and alleviate. Either we'll be passing 1 microphone back and forth, I'll be purchasing another identical mic to the 1 that has a stronger signal, or possibly 2 more "pro-audio" mics that the external soundcard I have has as inputs for that I've never used. How spendy those are? I'm not sure, but hopefully not outrageously.

Also 1 note that I just posted on twitter. Given the obvious similarities with names and things with "Psych Podcast" with Pineapple Radio, we have decided to try and change at least part-of our name to "Psychic Crapfest" or maybe "Psychic Crapfest (A Psych Fans Podcast)" (or "Psychic Crapcast" perhaps). "Psychic Crapfest" of course coined by Lassiter in the Season 4 10th Episode titled You Can't Handle This Episode, and in fact in re-listening to it, John actually mentions that being a cool/funny phrase, so it kind of fits our podcast in a lot of ways.

The actual name/url/registered already, may change if it makes sense, especially if it doesn't require much with this blog, facebook, twitter, etc.

In recounting:
-37 podcasts (for 39 episodes) have been recorded
-21 uploaded
-16 still need to be
-21 podcasts (presumably) for 21 episodes (from every season) are still in the works

I also shouldn't forget, on PineappleRadio's next podcast, you should hear me as a guest in part of it. Hopefully it comes out well, as I'm rather excited and curious to hear it. And hopefully the same will work for this podcast at some point. I wasn't even aware Skype had a recording option until they explained that to me, lol.

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